Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Right now I should be working on homework, but I have four hours until class so I figure it can wait a few minutes. I am still riding the wave of finally putting *something* out there - a teensy-weensy flash fiction, but I crossed that first step of finishing it! Ok, so it's about 500 words - but I finished it. It may evolve into a novel at some point, but right now my focus is just writing everyday to prep for NaNo. See, that's what I'm doing now - preparing. I guess my homework could sort of help....but it's not fiction so I don't count that writing. I like to keep my writing flow going and citations and references bring it to a screaming halt. Fiction is all mine...all my own thoughts and with only one citation at the beginning - by Jenn Bush. Ok fine, I will get the homework done now so I can write on some more fun stuff after.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Whats going to happen?

Today holds promise....I feel renewed and refreshed. I am not sure what I will do first, just checking in and around the usual places, then maybe some writing. NaNo is just around the corner and I can't wait. I also feel like cleaning and decorating a little bit today. I have a while to do it all, and the week is shaping up to be a great one!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What to do

I have lots of things to accomplish....trouble is I can't decide where to start! Ideas swarm in my head like crazy but there is always something to finish or do before. (Let's not discuss how my craft space needs to be cleaned each time before I start a project). Well, instead of continuing this blog - I'm going to go start the day and randomly craft SOMETHING. Doesn't matter if it's perfect - just a start.